Friday, November 5, 2010

Basics of Academic Transcription

Education transcription group discussions and lectures like a spoken language source is written or printed form conversion. It also means the conversion of a written source can be another medium, such as making digital version of thesis and dissertation in. The lectures, seminars, schools, colleges and universities and transcription of the discussions held in this way is used for educational purposes refers to copy.

Schools, colleges, universities and individuals associated with them as all educational institutions (teachers, professors, students) academic transcription in their respective fields are required. Universities and research institutions to further their education and research materials to study and analyze records.

Audio recordings of today's learners have bought the huge opportunity. Recorded classroom lectures and focus group discussions are invaluable asset for students. Transcribing the recorded impaired students with learning difficulties as well as those can help hearing lectures. Transcription to spend time taking notes rather than focus on the study helps.

Academic transcription include

1. Focus Group Transcription - the audio tape, video tape as well as possible. In fact, a video source, to find out who is speaking and what the copy is easy to recognize them correctly.

2. Transcription Seminar, held there mainly single speaker and multi-speaker seminar is being two types of seminars. Seminar on the recorded audio and video tapes for further analysis to distribute among fellow colleagues have written.

3. Thesis / Dissertation Transcription - the essay / dissertation by students in a text form is a copy of the content. Submit a thesis of a pre-requisite for students pursuing Ph.D. programs. Therefore, universities need a special topic essays transcription certify the student.

4. Lecture transcription, an audio lecture or speech is considered, if one or more people address an audience sequentially. As several speakers, roundtables or panel discussions may be. Lectures written for people who are absent are very useful rule.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An Insider Explains Medical Transcription Rates - Why You Must Price Yourself Competitively

Transcriptionist job medical transcriptionist salary allows for many different types and offers many options when it comes to how to choose the work is like. For most people, companies either online or as employees working in their local areas, simply because it is a lot of work and going out with contracts and customers is easier than to choose to explore. To work for a company usually pays per hour line. As an employee working the line at the office or can pay per hour. Perhaps the most exciting way to work as an independent contractor is charging its own transcription rates.

People who directly off as independent contractors after they graduated from their training programs are a lot of start. People work as independent contractors because there is more freedom involved, as well as select more money. Potential to earn more money is the same as someone who works for a company, the only difference that you decide what to charge. Either way you still have to work on their production.

A common mistake that quite a few people who specialize in transcriptionist work is done by charging too much or too little. As an independent contractor, it is important that you fashion a very competitive price in your medical transcription rates. To find out the going rate in your area so you undercharge or more does not help. You out doctors' offices calling and asking what they are charged by transcriptionists can find. 5.10 doctors' offices about the phone so that you can try to come up with a competitive rate.

Let's say you always had from the start of the plan on line charging.15 cents. If you go out and work to provide services transcriptionist talk about different doctors. When it comes down to agreements to your doctor if you rejected because of high rates. As it turns out, the going rate in your area line is.13 cents, which you can look at. Doctor suggested a low rate, and you turn it down. It may still be worth it? Of course, for a couple of years after working for him, because you can ask for very high transcription rates. As your doctor for your transcriptionist job skills and abilities are used, it is likely to pay you more.

You see, charging realistic competitive rates and the beauty is that once a customer, that is, with a good working relationship is established. You can basically just take it from there! Towards the line in his being are.12 rates, the first (especially if you are short on experience) in charging.12 or.13, perhaps even.11 try. In time, you as.21 cents per line charge as much as you can and can agree with your doctor! Growth rates to fit your transcriptionist work completely takes the time to wait it out.

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